European Navigation Conference ENC 2024

Welcome back to ESA ESTEC in The Netherlands!

It is with great pleasure that we announce the next European Navigation Conference will take place from 21-24 May 2024 at ESA ESTEC in The Netherlands. Building on a very successful event in 2023, ENC2024 will be brought to you as a collaboration led by RIN, with support from the Netherlands Institute of Navigation and across the European Group of Institutes of Navigation (EUGIN).

The central role the ESTEC facility plays in European navigation missions and innovation makes such a fitting venue for the ENC. We would like to thank the European Space Agency (ESA) for their continued support in extending the opportunity to meet again at ESTEC in Noordwijk for ENC2024.

The main theme of the conference is Resilient Navigation. While the 20th Century was focussed on the provision of ubiquitous and accurate Positioning, Navigation and Timing (PNT), the 21st Century’s focus has shifted to ensuring that PNT services may be trusted and are reliable and resilient. As we move to more and more systems that are either fully automated, or are automated to the point of human complacency, there is now wide recognition of the need for PNT systems that will operate in unprecedented threat-challenged environments (both civil and military); continuously provide usability and integrity status; fail very rarely; and when they do fail, do so safely, securely and elegantly.

Overall navigation system resilience requires the vulnerabilities of not only the core systems but also those of associated systems and data to also be addressed, including mapping information, related databases, routing/path definition, guidance and control.

The ENC 2024 Resilient Navigation theme addresses:

  • The current state-of-the art in terms of resilience across all modes of navigation (on land, at sea, in the air and in space)
  • Planned and current mitigations to known vulnerabilities and other factors to increase resilience, including systems approaches and operational

Papers for the conference are invited which address this core theme, from all perspectives, including technical, operational, legislative/regulatory matters and human factors.

This will be a broad and inter-disciplinary conference for every professional with an interest in the fields of positioning, navigation and timing: scientists, technicians, policy makers, and above all, users.


2024-05-21 / 2024-05-24
Noordwijk, Netherlands

Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (Guangzhou) Smart Transportation Industry Expo

The Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Smart Transportation Industry Expo will be held on August 24th, 2023 at the Canton Fair Exhibition Hall in Guangzhou. It aims to promote the global modern transportation construction, boost the development of the Belt and Road Initiative, deepen the cooperation among countries in the transportation industry, and help domestic and foreign enterprises enter the markets of those countries.

The Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area is built to be a flourishing world-class city cluster, an international science and technology innovation center and an important hub for the Belt and Road Initiative. The city cluster is one of the most inclusive, open and dynamic regions in China, and plays a pivotal role in the global economy. As the venue of this exhibition, the city cluster will give full play to its geographic advantages, advance the international cooperation in production capacity, and stimulate the companies to “bring in and go global”. It is going to present a grand event for exhibitors to attract investment of smart transportation, information technology application, smart port, green travel and mass rail transit. We hereby sincerely invite your institution or company to participate in the exhibition.

Time: August 24th to 26th, 2023

Location: Canton Fair Exhibition Hall D Zone in Guangzhou, China



European Navigation Conference (ENC 2023)

The main theme of the conference is Resilient Navigation. Vulnerability of satellite-based position and timing information is widely recognized. The need for resilience requires redundancy in the signal domain, terrestrial and space infrastructures and on-board implementation. It also requires vulnerabilities to be addressed in navigation functions, data, guidance and control.

31 may – 2 June 2023

ESA Estec, Noordwijk, the Netherlands



16th Baška GNSS Conference

The 16th Royal Institute of Navigation Annual Baška GNSS Conference: Technologies, Techniques and Applications across PNT

The RIN Baška GNSS Conference + Maritime Workshop brings the international community together in a spirit of collaboration and knowledge sharing. The conference aims to stimulate multidisciplinary insights, collaboration and innovation ideas in areas of navigation and emerging maritime technologies.

14-19 May 2023, Baška, Krk Island, Croatia



ION GNSS+ 2023

ION GNSS+ is the world’s largest technical meeting and showcase of GNSS technology, products and services. This year’s conference will bring together international leaders in GNSS and related positioning, navigation and timing fields to present new research, introduce new technologies, discuss current policy, demonstrate products and exchange ideas.

ION GNSS+ 2023 takes place September 11-15, 2023 at the Hyatt Regency Denver (located adjacent to the Colorado Convention Center).




The 2023 event is organized as a regular physical event in Castellon, Spain.

Conference scope

Reliable navigation and positioning are becoming essential in applications for IoT in industry and logistic applications, in smart city environments, for safety-critical purposes, in public services and consumer products to guarantee transparent, efficient and reliable workflows. A robust localization solution, which will be available continuously is needed regardless outdoor and indoor, and on different platforms. ICL-GNSS addresses the latest research on wireless and satellite-based positioning techniques to provide reliable and accurate position information with low latency. The emphasis is on the design of mass-market navigation receivers and related tools and methodologies, but also many kinds of sensing devices, wireless systems with localization capabilities, and location-aware applications are within the scope of ICL-GNSS.

June 6-8, 2023, Castellon, Spain

