IFAC Navigation Systems and Applications
IAIN Member Institute Israeli Association for Automatic Control (IAAC) advises that the Israel Navigation Systems and Applications Workshop and Exhibition is its biennial event organized to serve the wide audience of people in Israel interested in the navigation science and art.
This one-day workshop is dedicated to technical talks that range from fundamental research, to applications, to field test results. The related exhibition is a unique opportunity to bring together in one location the different industries and representatives offering navigation-related hardware.
It is understood that as a relatively large number of participants will be non-Hebrew speakers, lecturers have been asked to deliver their presentations in English.
Airbus descent below segment minimum safe altitude
The Australian Transport Safety Bureau has released the final investigation report into an Airbus A320’s descent below segment minimum safe altitude during a non-precision instrument approach to Perth Airport. This was reported from Canberra on 16 January at 0035GMT
The serious incident highlights the extent to which unexpected events and distractions during the approach and landing can substantially increase what is often a high workload period. That workload increase is even more apparent when the aircraft systems are not operating normally, or the systems are operating in a way that is not fully understood by the crew.
The report highlights the ongoing aviation safety issues of “too low on approach” and “inflight decision making”, which form part of the ATSB’s
SafetyWatch priorities.
Ocean Infinity to continue search for MH370
Ocean Infinity, an international technology company specializing in collecting high resolution geophysical seabed data, confirmed on 10 January that its proposal to continue the search for the missing Malaysian Airlines flight MH370 had been accepted by the Government of Malaysia.
It is understood that Ocean Infinity will take on the economic risk of the renewed search, only receiving payment if the aircraft wreckage is located. Ocean Infinity’s search will focus initially on the zone identified by the Australian Transport Safety Bureau. The vessel, Seabed Constructor (illustrated), is now close to the search area, which will enable work to commence imminently and the project is expected to last for 90 days.
ION PLANS Kershner Award nominations now being accepted
Nominations are being accepted for the IEEE/ION Positioning, Location and Navigation Symposium (PLANS) 2018 Kershner Award, the biennial award recognizing individuals who have made substantial contributions to the technology of navigation and position equipment, systems or practices. To nominate an individual readers are invited to submit nominations online by 19 January.
The PLANS Kershner Award will be presented at the IEEE/ION PLANS taking place from 23 to 26 April, 2018 at the Hyatt Regency Monterey, Monterey, California.
Tanker Sanchi – a message from IMO Secretary-General Kitack Lim
‘Our thoughts and prayers are with the seafarers still missing from the oil tanker Sanchi, following a reported collision off the coast of China. I send my deepest sympathies to all their families and loved ones.
I would like to commend all those who have been involved in the international search and rescue operations so far and in the efforts to battle the fire and contain pollution from the ship.
This is an ongoing situation which we are monitoring. IMO stands ready to offer any technical assistance that may be needed. In the longer term, it is expected that there will be a full investigation into this incident and that the results and findings will be brought to IMO so that we can do whatever may be necessary to reduce the chances of such an incident happening again.’
Sites to watch #6
Readers are invited to take a look at the website of the Resilient Navigation and Timing Foundation (RNTF, a Corresponding memeber of the IAIN). There can be found regular news and a valuable blog contributed to at regular intervals.
ICAO’s first Safety and Air Navigation Implementation Symposium
SANIS/1 followed ICAO’s second Global Air Navigation Industry Symposium (GANIS/2) held in week commencing 10 December, where State and industry experts reviewed proposals for how to integrate the future air navigation system to accommodate global aviation’s forecast doubling of flights and passengers in 15 years’ time.
Dr Liu highlighted to her audience that the safety, capacity and efficiency of the world’s aviation network is presently threatened by the speed at which it is expanding. She elaborated that sectoral growth cannot be permitted to negatively impact the key strategic performance targets, and existing levels of aviation safety, efficiency, and environmental protection should continue to trend upward even as operations expand.
19th IALA Conference Early Bird rate announced
The 19th IALA Conference will be held from 27 May to 2 June 2018 at the Songdo Convention Center, Incheon, Republic of Korea.
An Early Bird rate has now been announced. This will be valid to the end of this month, 31 January 2018.
The language of drones
At IAIN we are pleased to make available a glossary of terms used in connection with drone operations: The Language of Drones: Enabling dialogue between Surveyors and Pilots.
This valuable document’s chapters provide a quick guide to names and an explanation of terms supported by two appendices one of which indicates the components of a typical multi-rotor unit. Others details the Air Navigation Order regarding the legal basis of such operations.
Publication here has been possible with the kind permission of Nottingham University.
A New Year message from Yasuo Arai, President of the IAIN
The Association has had a busy year. We have contributed to several strands of activity. These have included in the marine environment: the development of guidelines for both S-mode in ships’ bridge equipment and the harmonisation of the presentation of navigational information on bridge displays. Meanwhile, in the air world we are supporting an initiative to encourage the adoption of True North as a heading reference by the aviation community. Lastly, but not least, back at sea, we were involved in the preparation of a first regulatory framework for autonomous ships.
The continuous challenge facing navigators, one no less serious than the vulnerability of Space-Based Positioning and Timing, is that of maintaining cyber security – the defence of our vehicle systems (be they in cars, planes, ships, drones or space vehicles) against those wishing to interfere with them for malicious purposes.
The 2018 IAIN World Congress is to be held over 27 November – 1 December 2018 in Makuhari, Japan. The programme will have as its main theme “Science, Technology and Practice for Resilient Navigation” and discuss the development of safety, security and efficiency of navigation in cars, planes, ships, drones or space vehicles developing autonomous integrity of navigational information towards fully autonomous navigation. I look forward to seeing many of you in Makuhari, Japan.
I wish all our Members and readers
A happy, successful and safe New Year 2018
Yasuo Arai,
(Japan Institute of Navigation)
IAIN President
On Christmas Day HMS St Albans escorts a Russian warship
The Portsmouth-based Type 23 frigate St Albans was called upon to sail on 23 December and keep watch on the new Russian warship Admiral Gorshkov as she passed close to UK territorial waters. HMS St Albans remained at sea on Christmas Day to monitor the Russian frigate, keeping track of its activity in areas of national interest. It was planned that the frigate would return to Portsmouth on 26 December and remain ready for very short notice tasking over the holiday period.
The festive season saw an upsurge in Russian units transiting UK waters. HMS Tyne was also called upon to escort a different vessel, a Russian intelligencegathering ship, through the North Sea and the English Channel on Christmas Eve. A Wildcat helicopter from 815 Naval Air Squadron, based at RNAS Yeovilton, was then dispatched to monitor two further Russian vessels.
New guideline adopted for digital services
At its 65th session held at IALA HQ in St Germain-en-Laye, (78100) France, early in December, the IALA Council adopted a new specification guideline for digital services in the maritime domain. Based on input from EfficienSea2, the new guideline will help ensure that the best digital solutions work across different oceans and different equipment.
Digital services in the maritime industry have for years been drafted in many different formats, making it difficult to achieve interoperability between different systems and across different geographical spheres. Now, however, a new specification guideline has been adopted by the IALA Council that will strengthen the harmonisation of digital services in the future.
Seminar on safety of navigation in Africa
The IALA World-Wide Academy, in conjunction with Ports and Maritime Public Domain Directorate (Ministry of Equipment, Transport, Logistics and Water, Kingdom of Morocco), take the opportunity of the second Preparatory Diplomatic Conference, held on 7-8 February 2018 in Marrakesh (Morocco), to raise awareness on maritime safety in Africa by arranging a Seminar on this theme on the same venue, immediately prior to the conference on 6 February 2018 in Le Palais des Congrès Mogador in Marrakesh, Morocco.
The Seminar aims to enable participants to be fully aware of coastal states’ obligations, of international organisations’ strategies (for example those of IALA and IHO, and will take into account actions implemented in Africa to determine the way ahead for safety of navigation in the continent. Furthermore, the Seminar will be an added value for Marine Aids to Navigation managers of the region who would then participate in the 2nd Preparatory Diplomatic Conference.
USN issues its Strategic Readiness Review
On 15 December the US Navy announced from Washington issue of the Strategic Readiness Review (SRR). In September, the Secretary of the Navy, Richard V. Spencer, ordered a fleetwide review in the light of recent surface fleet incidents which resulted in significant loss of life and injury.
It is understood that the SRR was an independent review by a team of subjectmatter experts that examined the systemic conditions influencing and existing within the Navy over the last 30 years. Running concurrently with the US Fleet forces-led Comprehensive Review the SRR considered its findings, but its assessments and judgments are independent of the military Comprehensive Review findings.
IALA seminar on arctic navigation – report
IALA hosted a seminar on Arctic Navigation from 9 to 10 November 2017 at its HQ in St Germain-en-Laye, 78100, France. This event was following-up a meeting held in February 2010 at IALA attended by Arctic nations where a number of actions were agreed by participants.
In this further meeting (9-10 November 2017) on Arctic navigation the views on the challenges of ensuring safe navigation in Arctic waters of all Arctic nations and international organizations having an interest in the field were discussed. Thirty-eight delegates, representing eight countries and six Sister organisations attended and the seminar was structured with presentations on relevant topics.
See the full report.
European Navigation Conference 2018 – call for papers
The European Navigation Conference 2018 will be held in the technology-rich city of Gothenburg on the campus of Chalmers University of Technology on Sweden’s west coast from 14-17 May 2018.
The ENC is the premier conference in Europe in the fields of positioning, navigation and timing, with special emphasis on the European Galileo and EGNOS. Through a peer-reviewed manuscript selection process, it will showcase state-of-the art and innovations in the field of terrestrial and satellite-based navigation and its applications. Implementation of new technologies will be demonstrated through an industry exhibition arranged in parallel to the conference.
The conference will comprise technical session, poster sessions, invited keynotes, and a best paper award. The conference strongly emphasizes a quick turn-around time and high quality of the published papers.
19th IALA Conference 2018
The 2nd Announcement for this four-yearly event has been issued. The 2018 IALA conference will be hosted by the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries of the Republic of Korea with IALA. The conference will be held from May 27 to June 2, 2018.
The theme will be: Successful voyages, sustainable planet – A new era for marine aids to navigation in a connected world.
The Conference includes a broad technical programme of cross-disciplinary presentations by world-class experts and an industrial exhibition providing first-hand viewing of the latest R&D, innovative aids to navigation products and services, and related exhibits of contemporary interest and future promise. A novel feature of the Conference will be a Heritage Exhibition which will showcase the unique cultural significance of lighthouses around the world.
The early bird registration deadline is approaching for the US ION’s co-located (ION) International Technical Meeting (ITM) and the Precise Time and Time Interval (PTTI) 2018.
The ITM is the ION’s winter meeting with peer-reviewed technical papers related to positioning, navigation and timing and includes the ION Fellows and Annual Awards presentations.
The PTTI is the technical conference designed to disseminate and coordinate PTTI information at the user level; review present and future PTTI requirements; inform government and industry engineers, technicians and managers of precise time and frequency technology and its problems; and provide an opportunity for an active exchange of new technology associated with PTTI.
Delegates are invited to attend the complimentary Cognizant Autonomous Systems for Safety Critical Applications (CASSCA) workshop on 29 January 2018 from 0830 to 1730 at the Hyatt Regency Reston in Reston, Virginia. The workshop is complimentary but registration is required to attend.
Efficiensea2 Maritime Connectivity Platform (MCP) workshop
A workshop on How to Run the MCP (Maritime Connectivity Platform) was hosted by IALA on behalf of the EfficienSea 2 Project on 21 / 22 November 2017. The workshop was attended by 52 delegates, representing 19 countries.
Noting that the EfficienSea2 project funding from the EU ends in April 2018, the objective of the workshop was to address the implementation of the MCP with a focus on identifying preferred governance and business models and preparing a related exploitation plan for global information exchange. Legal and Liability issues were also explored.
The workshop produced a report, including 35 conclusions and recommendations.
Israel Navigation Workshop and Exhibition
The Israel Navigation Workshop and Exhibition (INWE18) is a biennial event organized and sponsored by the Israel Association for Automatic Control (IAAC).
Following the huge success of previous events, the 2018 edition of the Israel Navigation Workshop and Exhibition has been scheduled for January 29, at the Daniel Hotel in Herzliya.
INWE18 will be a one day event dedicated to technical talks in navigation systems, ranging from fundamental research, to applications, to field test results. The topics of interest include navigation, positioning and timekeeping in all their variations, sensors, systems, optimal integration of multiple sensors, and novel or emerging technologies in the field of navigation.
In parallel with the talks INWE18 will host a technical exhibition in which navigation equipment manufacturers and suppliers will have the opportunity to show their current products and most recent technical innovations. You can expect to see the latest, most innovative navigation products and services from top navigation companies.
Finally, the event will bring together the large community of researchers, suppliers and users in the navigation area in Israel, making it a unique opportunity to meet all the who’s who in the navigation field in the country.
Boston (UK) Barrier simulation
A Transport and Works Act Order (TWAO) for the Boston Barrier (England, East Coast) has received approval, giving the Environment Agency the goahead to proceed with the construction and operation of a £100 million flood defence scheme to better protect Boston’s homes and businesses from the risk of tidal flooding.
As part of a public enquiry, HR Wallingford’s UK Ship Simulation Centre worked with Mott MacDonald and the Environment Agency to create a virtual navigation simulation to help river users better understand what navigating the river would be like, both during the construction phase and when the barrier is in place.
OC 617 Squadron RAF flies F-35B
The new Officer Commanding Number 617 Squadron, Wing Commander John Butcher, Royal Air Force, has taken his first flight in an F-35B Lightning, the UK’s new multi-role stealth combat aircraft. 617 Sqn (The Dambusters) is designated as the first front line UK F-35B Lightning squadron and will return to RAF Marham in Norfolk next summer. The flight was made at the US Marine Corps Air Station Beaufort, South Carolina.
Wg Cdr Butcher said: ‘This was a memorable day and climbing into the cockpit for the first time felt really familiar as the simulator in which I have been training is so realistic.’ This first flight followed weeks of ground school training and during his flight Wg Cdr Butcher flew over the Atlantic Ocean where he was able to explore how manoeuvrable the aircraft is before conducting some approaches at Beaufort.
IMO Council 2018-2019
IMO announced on 1 December that the Assembly had elected the following States to be Members of its Council for the 2018-2019 biennium:
Category (a) 10 States with the largest interest in providing international shipping services: China, Greece, Italy, Japan, Norway, Panama, Republic of Korea, Russian Federation, United Kingdom, United States.
Category (b) 10 States with the largest interest in international seaborne trade: Australia, Brazil, Canada, France, Germany, India, Netherlands, Spain,
Sweden, United Arab Emirates.
Category (c) 20 States not elected under (a) or (b) above, which have special interests in maritime transport or navigation and whose election to the Council will ensure the representation of all major geographic areas of the world: Bahamas, Belgium, Chile, Cyprus, Denmark, Egypt, Indonesia, Jamaica, Kenya, Liberia, Malaysia, Malta, Mexico, Morocco, Peru, Philippines, Singapore, South Africa, Thailand, Turkey.
The Council is the executive organ of IMO and is responsible, under the Assembly, for supervising the work of the Organization. Between sessions of the Assembly, the Council performs all the functions of the Assembly, except that of making recommendations to Governments on maritime safety and pollution prevention.
Space technology to drive autonomous ships
It was reported by the European Space Agency (ESA) from Paris on 30 November that Director General Jan Wörner had signed a Memorandum of Intent with Rolls-Royce, as the two entities agree to investigate how space technology can be used to develop autonomous and remote-controlled ships. The partners will pool their expertise to analyse and implement space-enabled services for autonomous and remote-controlled shipping, which reduces the opportunity for human error and allows ships’ crews to concentrate on more valuable tasks. It is understood that the plan is to study the applications of various space assets to autonomous shipping, such as satellite-based positioning, better situational awareness using Earth observation data, and satellite communications (satcom) services for improved onboard connectivity.
CSIRO publishes ocean science book
In Australia the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation` (CSIRO) has launched Oceans: Science and Solutions for Australia, a book bringing together the latest science to explain the crucial role oceans play in the lives of all Australians.
CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere Director Dr Tony Worby said Australia faced several opportunities and challenges, with three of the world’s four major oceans in its marine estate. He commented: ‘Australia’s oceans cover almost 14 million square kilometres, nearly twice the area of our land, and hold the key to our climate, weather, economy, international security, and social well-being.’
‘Our oceans do the heavy lifting with respect to carbon dioxide and heat absorption and their capacity to continue to do these things is one of many areas we are focused on through our climate research.’
Oceans editor and CSIRO Chief Research Scientist Dr Bruce Mapstone added: ‘Importantly, this book takes complex and detailed research and translates it into clear English that can be understood by policy makers and just as importantly students, some of whom are Australia’s future marine scientists.’