COVID-19 impact on the European air traffic network

While over a million flights fewer have operated across the European network compared with 2019 since the COVID-19 pandemic hit Europe, air traffic is now slowly starting to pick up. As the recovery slowly started, on 30 April, the first edition of the NOP 2020 Recovery Plan was published.

The Plan will be issued every Friday, and reviewed by video conference every Monday by operational stakeholders in the Ad hoc Enlarged NDOP Recovery Cell, a body that brings Europe’s Network ANSPs, airports, airlines and military Directors of Operations together to enhance performance and tackle issues on a network basis.

IMO and protection from infection advice

Kitack Lim, IMO Secretary General

During the COVID-19 pandemic, it is crucial that all personnel involved are protected from infection, including those onboard ships and shore personnel who may need to temporarily go on ships or interact with seafarers. This message was emphasised by IMO on 14 May.

IMO has circulated World Health Organization (WHO) guidance on the safe and effective use of personal protective equipment (PPE), to support decisions on use of PPE to minimize the risks of COVID-19 infection for seafarers, marine personnel, fishing vessel personnel, passengers and others on board ships. This guidance also applies to shore personnel intending to go on board (such as pilots, port workers, port State control officers, ships’ agents and so forth); and when any of these people interact with each other.

To support decision making and risk assessment, IMO has also circulated practical measures to address COVID-19 risks for all people involved on ships and in ports when they may need to interact with each other,

US Maritime Patrol and Reconnaissance Force passes key milestones

A P-8A Poseidon on patrol over the Atlantic, March, 2020 – US Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Juan Sua / Released USN ©

The second week of May marked a number of noteworthy milestones for US Naval Aviation and the Maritime Patrol and Reconnaissance Force (MPRF).

Patrol Squadron (VP) 40 completed a Safe-For-Flight evaluation on 14 May for acceptance of their first P-8A Poseidon, the culminating event of a six-month transition from the P-3C Orion. VP-40 represents the twelfth and final active component VP squadron to transition from the P-3C Orion to the state-of-the-art P-8A Poseidon platform, a process that began eight years ago with VP-16 aboard NAS Jacksonville.

The last P-3C to return from that deployment now resides at the National Naval Aviation Museum in Pensacola, Florida. The museum and MPRF leadership are in the planning stages of a formal ceremony and display.

The Navigation Flashlight

From our Austrian member institute, the Österreichischer Verein für Navigation, we have received word of the latest issue of their regular publication, The Navigation Flashlight. It is published three times a year, currently in its twentieth year of publication and it is in German.

USN and RN elements in the Barents Sea

HMS Kent, front, and USS Donald Cook conducting joint operations to ensure maritime security in the Arctic Ocean – US Navy photo courtesy of the Royal Navy By Dan Rosenbaum; MoD Crown Copyright 2020 ©
USS Donald Cook conducting a replenishment at sea with the fast combat support ship USNS Supply – US Navy photo Yeoman 3rd Class Anthony Nichols/ Released USN ©

On 8 May US Naval Forces Europe-Africa / US Sixth Fleet Public Affairs reported that US guided-missile destroyers and a British frigate had departed the Barents Sea that day following seven days of Arctic operations.

As the Arctic continues to become more accessible to maritime traffic, naval proficiency in the region is critical to regional security, global commerce, and American national interests. The SAG’s operations provided the opportunity for Sailors to demonstrate their readiness for sustained Arctic operations in the unique and challenging environment.

Shutdown of AMSA’s differential global positioning system (DGPS) service

This was announced by AMSA from Canberra on 5 May.

AMSA established its radiobeacon DGPS service in the 1990s, to improve the accuracy and integrity of GPS information for ships navigating off the coast of Australia. At the time, the publicly available GPS signal was intentionally degraded, resulting in large position errors of up to 200 metres. Augmentation was necessary to correct for these errors and meet minimum requirements for maritime positioning and navigation.

In the year 2000, the intentional error in GPS positioning was removed. Since then system technology has improved and the GPS constellation has been modernised. Observed positional accuracy for unaugmented GPS now consistently meets IMO requirements for accuracy in harbour and harbour-approach navigation.

An invitation to GSC’20

You are cordially invited to participate in GSC’20 – the annual meeting of graduate students in the field of Control and Systems Theory.

The event is organized by Professor A Khina and Professor M Margaliot from the School of Electrical Engineering, Tel Aviv University, and will be held on-line on 4 May, 2020.

Annual meeting of the IAIN Officers’ Committee

In accordance with Article 7 of the Association’s Constitution, a meeting of the committee of Officers will take place virtually, by teleconference on 11 May 2020. This is instead of the meeting planned to take place during the European Navigation Conference 2020 in Dresden on the same date.

Galileo positioning aiding COVID-19 reaction

Galileo satellite in orbit – ©ESA-P. Carril

As European governments plan their phased recoveries from the lockdown states triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic, the positioning delivered through satellite navigation is becoming more important than ever before. Location is a key requirement when attempting to monitor and map the spread of a disease and satnav is one of the main tools supporting this.

Cyber security: a CIRM request

The organisation reported at the end of April that it seeks feedback on two Cyber Security documents which they published in February 2020:

CIRM Cyber Risk Code of Practice for Vendors of Marine Electronic Equipment and Services

CIRM Guideline GL-002 – Implementing the CIRM Cyber Risk Code of Practice

The Code of Practice consists of six guiding principles for vendors of marine electronic equipment and services to establish their role in providing a secure digital maritime environment. The Guideline GL-002 provides advice on implementing the Code of Practice.

A blast for the world’s seafarers

The International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) and the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) are calling upon ship captains across the world to sound their ships’ whistles when in port at 1200 local time on International Workers’ Day, 1 May 2020, recognised in many countries around the world to celebrate and acknowledge the contribution of workers.

The initiative is especially seen in support of the ICS-ITF campaign to facilitate crew changes. It follows the ‘Horns of Hope’ solidarity campaign initiated by Abu Dhabi Ports, which calls upon ports worldwide to allow ships in port to sound their horns every day at 1830 local time, in support of all critical workers, including port workers and seafarers.

Rescheduled and renamed IEEE/ION PLANSx 2020

It was announced from HQ in Manassas Virginia, on 23 April that the IEEE/ION PLANS 2020, originally scheduled to take place in April, has been rescheduled and renamed IEEE/ION PLANSx 2020 for later in the year. IEEE/ION PLANSx 2020 is an outgrowth of the IEEE/ION Position Location and Navigation Symposium 2020 and will be hosted by ION GNSS+ 2020 from 23 to 25 September 2020 at the St Louis Union Station Hotel in St. Louis, Missouri.

IEEE/ION PLANS is the biennial technical conference that occurs in the spring of even numbered years where mission is to provide a forum to share the latest advances in navigation technology.

ION GNSS+ 2020 advance conference programme

The (US) Institute of Navigation informs that registration is now open for ION GNSS+ 2020 with the theme GNSS + Other Sensors in Today’s Marketplace. This is the 33rd International Technical Meeting of the Satellite Division of the Institute of Navigation and the world’s largest technical meeting and showcase of GNSS technology, products, and services.
ION GNSS+ 2020 will take place from 21 to 25 September at the St. Louis Union Station Hotel in St. Louis, Missouri, featuring Commercial and Policy tracks and Research tracks with over 36 technical sessions over 23 to 25 September plus a commercial exhibit. In addition, on 21 and 22 September ION GNSS+ 2020 will offer short courses on pre-conference tutorials to provide in-depth learning of specific GNSS-related disciplines and will again facilitate the CGSIC meeting.

The ION Johannes Kepler Award 2020

The (US) Institute of Navigation, the ION, has announced that nominations may be submitted for the Johannes Kepler Award 2020. The award is sponsored by the Satellite Division of the Institute of Navigation to honour an individual for sustained and significant contributions to the development of satellite navigation during their lifetime.

Nominations must be received by 30 June 2020. Submissions received after the closing date will not be considered.

Just how easy is it to hack a yacht?

Just how easy is it to hack a yacht these days, which systems are most vulnerable to attack and what can be done to help prevent the risks of it happening to your yacht? Readers may gain an understanding of what signs to look out for and which systems should be secured.

Campbell Murray will be speaking to Richard Hodder about a live hacking demonstration on a super yacht in 2017 – how easy was it then and how have things changed since.


On 7 April the EUROCONTROL Member States announced agreement on a financial package enabling airlines to defer the payment of up to €1.1 billion of air traffic control fees due for payment to Europe’s air traffic management industry in the coming months.

As a result of COVID-19, the number of flights operating daily in European airspace has declined by 90%. This dramatic reduction in operations is likely to continue for a number of weeks to come and therefore the airline industry had sought the support of EUROCONTROL Member States to help it deal with its sudden and significant cash flow crisis.

EUROCONTROL Member States agreed to help airlines operating in Europe by deferring their payments of air traffic control fees worth €1.13 billion for periods between seven and thirteen months. While this provides relief for one branch of the aviation industry, it clearly shifts the burden to ANSPs, who will find it difficult to maintain financial stability without further support.

CANSO therefore supports the related proposal adopted yesterday (13 April) which enables EUROCONTROL to apply for funding which guarantees a minimum level of financing for European ANSPs until September.

ION JNC conference rescheduled

In the US the Institute of Navigation (ION) announces that the ION Joint Navigation Conference 2020 has been rescheduled to 8-11 September, at the Northern Kentucky Convention Center.

The US-only For Official Use Only (FOUO) sessions will be hosted at the Northern Kentucky Convention Center in Covington, Kentucky (right across the river from Cincinnati, Ohio), and the US-only secret sessions will be hosted at the Air Force Institute of Technology (AFIT), WPAFB in Dayton, Ohio. The rescheduled conference will host the original program, as previously scheduled in June.

CANSO and Aireon announce data-driven partnership to understand COVID-19 impact on aviation industry

It was announced from Amsterdam on 8 April that the Civil Air Navigation Services Organisation (CANSO) and Aireon are to deliver an initiative to produce data-driven insights and analysis to better understand how COVID-19 is impacting a broad range of stakeholders within the aviation industry. Particular emphasis will be placed on how the pandemic is impacting the air traffic management (ATM) and the flow of essential goods and services.

This partnership comes at a time when the aviation industry faces a crisis unlike any throughout its history. Starting in March 2020 the aviation industry saw the erosion of traffic from a daily average of approximately 100,000 flights to just 32,000 flights on 4 April. Daily flight hours have fallen 78% from typical global averages captured in January 2020.

Air traffic management industry is committed to keeping skies open

The air traffic management (ATM) industry is committed to offering critical air navigation services throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. This includes enabling the safe passage of vital repatriation and cargo flights through global airspace and delivery of medical support worldwide. This was reported in a communiqué from the Civil Air Navigation Services Organisation.

While air traffic has reduced significantly in recent weeks due to measures taken to prevent the spread of COVID-19, the ATM industry is continuing to ensure air navigation services are available in all regions across the world.

The Korean Maritime Institute International Journal of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries

The KMI International Journal of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries is an international journal published biannually in June and December. The journal aims to share theories, managements, and practices at international, national and local levels with researchers, policy makers, managers and other stakeholders, and thereby to advance ocean and coastal policy regimes at all levels.

Submission to the journal proceeds online, authors will be informed step-by-step from submission to review notification. Guidelines for authors are available for download.

World Radiocommunication Conference report

The World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC-19) met in Sharm el-Sheikh and worked on the basis of the agenda approved by the Council. It adopted a revision of the Radio Regulations and Appendices thereto, as contained in these Final Acts.

In accordance with its agenda, the Conference also took other decisions that it considered necessary or appropriate, including the review and revision of existing Resolutions and Recommendations and the adoption of various new Resolutions as contained in these Final Acts.

The Final Acts WRC-19 constitute a record of the decisions taken at the World Radiocommunication Conference 2019 (WRC-19) that comprises both the new and revised provisions of the Radio Regulations, including all Appendices, and the new and revised Resolutions and Recommendations approved by the Conference.

GSC ’20

Please find the updated call for presentations for GSC’20 here, where graduate students in systems and control from Israeli universities are invited to present their latest research results.

These meetings provide an opportunity for the graduate students to present their work to senior faculty members and to interested delegates from industry, as well as get acquainted with the work of their peers.

Please save the date of 4 May 2020 for this exciting annual event, that for the first time will be held online – information to follow.

Gyroscopy and Navigation

IAIN Associate Member, the International Public Association “Academy of Navigation and Motion Control” informs us that the latest issue of the Gyroscopy and Navigation journal is now available.

Gyroscopy and Navigation is a peer-reviewed quarterly journal published by the Academy of Navigation and Motion Control and the State Research Center of the Russian Federation Concern CSRI Elektropribor, JSC, in cooperation with Pleiades Publishing, Ltd, since 2010. It is available in printed form (ISSN 2075-1087) and online (ISSN 2075-1109) versions.

Trinity House monitors impact of COVID-19

Trinity House has been closely monitoring the developments of the impact of COVID-19 and has followed advice provided by HM Government.

With regard to its function as the General Lighthouse Authority (GLA) for England, Wales, the Channel Islands and Gibraltar, the Trinity House priority is to keep staff safe while delivering its statutory functions.

Opening up the Northern Sea Route – Fast L-Band satellite network speed

Passage through northern shipping routes and Arctic waters has received a boost following the doubling of the connectivity speed of the Iridium Certus™ network. This was reported by maritime communications specialist IEC Telecom from Norway on 23 March.

As the shortest sea route between Europe and the Asia-Pacific region, the Northern Sea Route holds immense potential to compete with conventional trade passages. There has been a significant increase in maritime traffic across the main transport corridors in the Arctic, Northern Sea Route in the Russian Federation, the Northwest Passage in Canada as well as the Arctic Bridge from Canada to Europe. It has been reported that in the Canadian Arctic, traffic tripled between 1990 and 2015. Moreover, cargo volume in the Northern Sea Route increased by 40% between 2016 and 2017.

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