RAF trains in Turkey

RAF and Turkish Air Force pilots pose for a photograph in front of a Typhoon FGR4 and a Turkish F16
A Typhoon FGR4 taking part in air to air refuelling en route to Konya
A F16 (top) and Typhoon FGR4 flying over Konya – Illustrations MoD Crown Copyright 2020 ©

Royal Air Force personnel and Typhoons have conducted a week of training in Turkey as part of a package of the NATO Alliance’s assurance measures to one of its key allies. This was reported by the UK Ministry of Defence on 24 November.

As part of the UK’s contribution in delivering on its NATO commitment of Tailored Assurance Measures to Turkey, No IX(B) Squadron Typhoons based at RAF Lossiemouth in Scotland, spent three days exercising alongside the Turkish Air Force F16s at the 3rd Main Jet base, Konya, in south central Turkey.

Furuno offers KVH AgilePlans® maritime VSAT connectivity in Japan

It was reported from Middletown, Rhode Island, on 19 November that KVH Industries, Inc. announced that Furuno is offering AgilePlans® maritime VSAT connectivity in Japan.

The KVH AgilePlans programme is a Connectivity as a Service (CaaS) subscription-based model offering a comprehensive solution for maritime satellite communications.

Without a costly capital outlay, the AgilePlans service is said to eliminate barriers to upgrading to VSAT or switching from a competitor. It includes high-speed connectivity with unlimited e-mail and texting via KVH’s mini-VSAT BroadbandSM HTS network, TracPhone® HTS-series hardware, with installation in as many as 4,000 ports and locations, cybersecurity protection, KVH OneCare™ maintenance, and no long-term commitment, all for one monthly fee.

Australian ports – Tiller Technical and Helm Operations launch expansion

It was reported from Perth, Western Australia on 18 November that Canadian software company Helm Operations (Victoria, BC) and Western Australian marine consultant Tiller Technical (Perth, WA) have signed a new partnership agreement to help vessel operators digitalize their operations.

As part of the partnership, Tiller Technical will use its industry expertise and local knowledge to help companies implement and use Helm CONNECT – Helm’s industry-leading harbor services and fleet management software – to modernize, digitalize, and streamline their operations.
Since launching in 2016, Helm CONNECT has become the world’s fastest growing maritime software platform, now used by more than 220 companies and 4000 vessels worldwide to help manage fleet operations, including vessel maintenance, regulatory compliance, personnel management, and vessel scheduling and billing.

ESA student internships – Applications invited


The next round of internship opportunities at ESA is now published and opportunities will remain open until 10 December 2020.

Internships last from three to six months and opportunities are available in engineering, science, IT, natural/social sciences, business and administration services.

In the words of the ESA’s communiqué: ‘You can browse this year’s opportunities directly on our recruitment website. Then simply create your candidate profile, upload your CV and add your motivation letter to submit your application.’

New ICAO-IFAR agreement to enhance innovation integration

It was announced from Montréal on 9 November that ICAO and the International Forum for Aviation Research (IFAR) had formalised a new agreement aimed at accelerating and improving the effective assessment of new aviation technologies and innovations.

The agreement establishes two new ICAO-IFAR Expert Groups which will review latest innovations in the areas of urban air mobility and AI in aviation. After their first year, each group will report back to ICAO and IFAR and the two organizations will use the findings to optimize and formalize IFAR’s future contributions to ICAO and international aviation.

ICAO Secretary General Dr Fang Liu commented: ‘This new collaboration will see IFAR’s community supporting ICAO’s activities by sharing its consensus view on current areas of technical challenge and opportunity, and in turn, ICAO will augment its ability to engage with and benefit from IFAR’s processes and expectations.’

IMO Secretary-General Emeritus William A. O’Neil, remembered

Illustrations © IMO

William A O’Neil, Secretary-General Emeritus of the IMO died in the UK on 29 October at the age of 93.

IMO Secretary-General Kitack Lim expressed his sincere condolences to the Canadian Government, Mr O’Neil’s remaining family, and the condolences of the entire IMO membership and staff.

‘It is with great sadness that we have learned of the passing of Mr O’Neil, who was a great friend and mentor who made a huge personal contribution to securing globally applicable safety, security and environmental standards,’ Mr Lim said. Mr O’Neil was Secretary-General of IMO from 1990 to 2003.

IHMA’s new President, Captain Yoss Leclerc

Captain Yoss Leclerc

On 20 October the International Harbour Masters’ Association (IHMA) announced that its new President is Captain Yoss Leclerc of the Port of Québec. He succeeds Captain Allan Gray, President and CEO, Halifax Port Authority, Canada.

Captain Leclerc was elected on 8 October at the conclusion of the IHMA Ordinary General Meeting held remotely for the first time due to COVID-19 restrictions. The OGM was contributed to online by delegates from 13 countries.

In a statement to members Captain Leclerc pledged to help the Association meet the challenges facing Harbour Masters to ensure the sustainability of ports in the future.

Sustainable funding for national CAAs – ICAO emphasises call for governments

Illustration ICAO ©

It was reported from Montréal on 22 October that ICAO Secretary General Dr Fang Liu reiterated the UN agency’s call for national governments to assure the sustainable funding of their civil aviation authorities (CAAs).

Dr Liu highlighted: ‘State aviation authorities have been facing drastic reductions to their funding and this has led to significant gaps between performance and oversight expectations and available resources. To overcome these challenges, a cooperative and collaborative approach with industry, and regional and international organizations, is key.’

Pacific PNT meeting rescheduled

The Institute of Navigation’s (ION) biennial Pacific PNT meeting, scheduled to take place April 19-22, 2021 in Honolulu Hawaii, has been rescheduled to take place in the spring of 2022.

ION Pacific PNT is the global cooperative development of Positioning, Navigation and Timing technology and applications where policy and technical leaders from Japan, Singapore, China, South Korea, Australia, the United States and more meet to discuss policy updates, receive program status updates and exchange technical information.

Specific dates for ION Pacific PNT 2022 have not yet been announced, however abstracts are being accepted through November 1, 2021. The 2022 dates will be announced once they are finalized.

Mentoring at sea

NI Senior Vice-President, Captain André LeGoubin (top)

The Nautical Institute is launching an online campaign promoting mentoring at sea, thanks to generous funding from the TK Foundation.

Entitled ‘Mentoring at Sea – The 10 Minute Challenge’ the campaign features a series of five short films that cast a spotlight on the many ways in which mentoring improves life at sea while helping mariners to grow professionally. Released fortnightly, each film documents seafarers of all ages, nationalities and ranks discussing the fundamental aspects of mentoring, whether giving or receiving. Participants speak passionately about the positive impact of sharing knowledge and experience with others.

Reminder: ION accepting nominations for ION Fellows and Annual Awards

Nominations for The Institute of Navigation’s (ION) Fellows and Annual Awards Program are now being accepted. Nominations are due no later than 15 October.

The ION Annual Awards Program is sponsored by The Institute of Navigation and recognizes individuals making significant contributions or demonstrating outstanding performance relating to the art and science of Positioning, Navigation, and Timing (PNT).
Nominations may be submitted now for ION’s Fellows and Annual Awards here.

US Maritime Advisory – GPS Interference

Approximate locations are on the map here; instances where there are (1) or more reports are represented by only (1) red dot on the map.

Towards the end of September the US Maritime Administration (MARAD) issued an advisory notice (No 2020-016) concerning GPS interference.

Multiple instances of significant GPS interference have been reported worldwide in the maritime domain. This interference is resulting in lost or inaccurate GPS signals affecting bridge navigation, GPS-based timing, and communications equipment. Satellite communications equipment may also be impacted.

Over the last year, areas from which multiple instances have been reported include the eastern and central Mediterranean Sea, the Persian Gulf, and multiple Chinese ports. The US Transportation Command “Message for Industry” at https://go.usa.gov/xdSpq provides additional GPS interference information.

ESA Discovery studies lay path to navigating the Moon

GPS satellites – like those of Galileo, Russia’s Glonass or their Japanese, Chinese and Indian counterparts – aim their antennas directly at Earth. Any satellite orbiting above the GPS constellation can only hope to detect signals from over Earth’s far side, but the majority are blocked by the planet. For a position fix, a satnav receiver requires a minimum of four satellites to be visible, but this is most of the time not possible if based solely on front-facing signals. Instead, GIOVE-A has been able to make use of signals emitted sideways from GPS antennas, within what is known as ‘side lobes’. Just like a flashlight, radio antennas shine energy to the side as well as directly forward. – © ESA

Just as we navigate our way around Earth’s surface using the connection between our phones and navigation satellites high above us, our missions use the very same satellites to navigate their way in space.

Around ten years ago, engineers started demonstrating that spacecraft outside the orbit of navigation satellites could also navigate in space using ‘spill over’ signal from the satellites.

ESA has invested in the development of an appropriate receiver, and is exploring whether it could be demonstrated on the Lunar Pathfinder mission. It will help lay the groundwork for providing navigation services around the Moon, currently studied through two ESA NAVISP activities and culminating in the Moonlight initiative.

Dr Kimia Shamaei receives the US ION Parkinson Award

Dr Kimia Shamaei

On 25 September the (US) Institute of Navigation (ION) announced the presentation of the prestigious Bradford W Parkinson Award to Dr Kimia Shamaei. This took place during the ION GNSS+ 2020 VIRTUAL Conference.

Dr Shamaei was recognized for her thesis, Exploiting Cellular Signals for Navigation: 4G to 5G.

IHO releases new standards for hydrographic surveys

The IHO released earlier this month a new edition of the Standards for Hydrographic surveys (S-44). In addition to surveys to support the safety of navigation, these standards can be adapted for oil and gas, renewable energies, dredging, geophysics, and geotechnics.

By clarifying the required levels of accuracy, they will help define the requirements in terms of technology, time and human resources and will save valuable resources.

ION presents Dr Y Jade Morton with its prestigious Johannes Kepler Award

Dr Y Jade Morton

From Manassas, Virginia, on 25 September the Institute of Navigation’s (ION) Satellite Division reported that it had presented Dr Y Jade Morton with its Johannes Kepler Award during the ION GNSS+ VIRTUAL Conference.

She was recognized for advances in scientific and navigation receiver technology, automated data collection, robust carrier phase tracking, remote sensing, and profound impact as an educator and author.

Dr Morton has made pioneering contributions to the advancement of GNSS receiver technology and utilization of these enhanced capabilities for scientific discovery. Her work brings together scientific rigor with state-of-the-art engineering innovations to simultaneously improve PNT, while revealing remarkable new applications for GNSS.

400,000 seafarers stuck at sea as crew change crisis deepens

Some 400,000 seafarers from across the globe are now stranded on ships, continuing to work but unable to be relieved, in a deepening crew change crisis which threatens trade and maritime safety.

During a high-level event on the margins of the United Nations General Assembly (24 September), Captain Hedi Marzougui, who was in command of a vessel between December 2019 and May 2020, appealed to Governments to act to allow seafarers to come home: “Not knowing when or if we will be returning home brings a severe mental toll on my crew and myself,” Captain Marzougui said. “I would encourage each and every one of you to think of how you would feel, if you had to work every day, for 12 hours, with no weekends, without seeing your loved ones, and trapped at sea. Now add that you have to do that with no idea of when you will be repatriated.”

UK Government to explore new ways of delivering satnav for the UK

New options for a UK satellite navigation and timing capability programme to support the nation’s critical infrastructure will be explored by the government.

The Space-Based Positioning Navigation and Timing Programme (SBPP) will explore new and alternative ways that could be used to deliver vital satellite navigation services to the United Kingdom which are critical for the functioning of transport systems, energy networks, mobile communications and national security and defence, whilst boosting the British space industry and developing the UK’s own capabilities in these services.

This will follow the work of the UK’s Global Navigation Satellite System (UK GNSS) programme, which is due to conclude at the end of the month.

Satnav loss might shut down sea

Annual maritime traffic around the British Isles – image courtesy of www.marinetraffic.com ©

Satellite navigation is precise, reliable and available continuously around the globe, but overreliance on it presents a clear and present danger to the smooth passage of maritime trade, concludes a major ESA-backed study.

“The aim of our Maritime Resilience and Integrity in Navigation, MarRINav, project, was to peer 10 years ahead to see if the needs of mariners for accurate, resilient PNT, would continue to be fulfilled.” according to Jonathan Turner of ‘blue economy’ specialist NLA International, which led the study for ESA.

What the MarRINav team found was that the very success of satellite navigation, in terms of its precision, reliability and always-on availability, is a cause for concern.

ION nominations invited

Nominations for The (US) Institute of Navigation’s (ION) Fellows and Annual Awards Programme are now being accepted. Nominations are due by 15 October.

The ION Annual Awards Programme is sponsored by The Institute of Navigation and recognizes individuals making significant contributions or demonstrating outstanding performance relating to the art and science of Positioning, Navigation, and Timing (PNT).

Members may submit their nominations for the ION’s Fellows and Annual Awards at www.ion.org/awards.

FAA SatNav News Vol. 68 – Winter 2020

The SatNav News, the Federal Aviation Administration’s satellite navigation newsletter, provides the latest information on FAA satellite navigation initiatives that support the aviation community and the general public. The SatNav News includes articles on the Wide Area Augmentation System (WAAS) and the Ground Based Augmentation System (GBAS) program status, operational issues, research and development activities, FAA’s international satellite navigation initiatives, and other topics related to the ever expanding applications and benefits of GPS and its augmentations.

A Guide to Bulk Carrier Operations

There is no doubt that bulk carriers are some of the workhorses of international maritime trade. Those responsible for operating them need to manage significant risks inherent to the dry bulk trade. Certain cargoes can deplete oxygen, catch fire, explode, corrode holds or simply deteriorate. At terminals, the Master may come under pressure to accept cargoes that are too hot or wet, which could endanger vessel and crew.

In recent years the dry bulk sector has made huge efforts to improve safety, but to quote Intercargo Secretary General Dr Kostas Gkonis: ‘…there is no room for complacency and more work is needed.’

With the support of Intercargo and vetting organisation RightShip, The Nautical Institute has responded by publishing A Guide to Bulk Carrier Operations.

Trump Administration launches first cybersecurity principles for space technologies

Acting Homeland Security Secretary Chad F Wolf

The Trump Administration announced the first comprehensive cybersecurity policy for systems used in outer space and near space on 4 September.

Space Policy Directive-5 (SPD-5) makes clear the lead role the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) have in in enhancing the nation’s cyber defences in space, notably on key systems used for global communications, navigation, weather monitoring, and other critical services.

Acting Homeland Security Secretary Chad F Wolf (pictured) commented: ‘From establishing CISA in 2018 to today’s directive to protect American interests on the final frontier, President Trump is empowering the Department of Homeland Security to defend the nation against ever-evolving cyber threats.’

Pacific PNT Conference 2021 – Call for abstracts

Submit your abstract today for The Institute of Navigation’s (ION) Pacific PNT 2021 conference to be held April 19-21, 2021 at the Hilton Waikiki Beach in Honolulu, Hawaii. Abstracts are due November 1, 2020.

Pacific PNT 2020 is organized by the prestigious Pacific Rim Advisory Board and will feature peer reviewed and indexed technical papers presented on a diverse array of topics with special invited sessions being highlighted in BeiDou, COSMIC/FORMOSAT and QZSS as well as a Policy and Status Update Plenary Session. New this year: in-person and virtual presentations will be offered.

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