St. Lawrence river UKC management

Australian maritime engineering firm OMC International (OMC) has won a major Canadian contract for its DUKC® electronic navigation system to operate in the St Lawrence River, further cementing OMC’s reputation as a leading provider of Under Keel Clearance (UKC) management, Executive Director Dr Terry O’Brien announced in mid-June. He said a customised web-based DUKC® Series 5 system for the draught-restricted section of the St Lawrence River from Montreal to Quebec City is expected to be operational next year as part of Montreal Port Authority’s (MPA) and the Canadian Coast Guard’s (CCG) integrated e-Navigation solution for the St Lawrence River.

Containership on the St Lawrence at Quebec City (© OMC)

CANSO environment concern

On 20th June it was announced from Curacao that the organisation had called on States to adopt global measures to mitigate the environmental impact of aviation.

States are urged to reach agreement on a basket of reforms proposed by the aviation industry at the 38th Session of the ICAO Assembly in September. These will enable the industry to achieve its goal of carbon neutral growth from 2020 and include measures on operations, infrastructure, and technology as well as market-based measures.

CANSO initiative on runway safety

It was announced from Curacao on 17th June that CANSO, the Civil Air Navigation Services Organisation, has launched a major initiative to improve runway safety at airports. The initiative provides a runway safety checklist for airports and air navigation service providers (ANSPs) as well as key tips for both pilots and air traffic controllers.

As well as the key tips for pilots and ATCOs, the material that is being launched includes a revised and updated education booklet Unstable Approaches – ATC Considerations, as well as an app that can be downloaded to smart devices such as tablets and smartphones from

New IALA publications

The International Association of Marine Aids to Navigation and Lighthouse Authorities (IALA) has recently issued new documents providing information and advice to its members.

NTSB Delta Mariner accident report

On 14th May the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) announced from Washington that it had determined that the 2012 allision of mv Delta Mariner with the Eggner’s Ferry Bridge in Kentucky was caused by the reliance of the vessel’s bridge team on the independent contract pilot who provided incorrect navigational direction. Contributing factors included the failure of deck officers on the vessel to use all available navigation tools to verify the vessel’s position and proper route under the bridge; the failure of the crew to prepare an adequate detailed passage plan; and, the lack of effective management and oversight of the bridge lighting system.

Transas Marine FleetView Online

Transas Marine announced on 23rd April that it had released a new version of its FleetView Online web-based SSAS1-tracking service. This claims improved user interface, object overlay and chart navigation controls. Object overlay on the charts, it is understood, have been updated to enhance visual appearance and improve user experience at lower scales.

Seventh ICG meeting – joint statement

The Seventh Meeting of the International Committee on Global Navigation Satellite
Systems (ICG) was held in Beijing, China from 4 to 9 November 2012, to continue
reviewing and discussing developments in Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) and to allow ICG members, associate members, and observers to address recent developments in their organizations and associations with regard to GNSS services and applications.

Report on the seventh ICG meeting

The Seventh Meeting of the International Committee on GNSS (ICG) was held in Beijing, China from 5 to 9 November 2012. The meeting was hosted by the Government of the People’s Republic of China. IAIN was represented by Elisabeth Fischer (OVN).

Indonesian Navy full bridge simulator

For training of its Sigma Class Corvette bridge personnel, the Indonesian Navy and Ministry of Defence selected VSTEP to supply two Class A NAUTIS Full Mission Bridge (FMB) Simulators for its Kobangdikal marine training facility in Surabaya it was reported by VSTEP from Rotterdam and Surabaya on 18th April 2013.

MONALISA 2.0 – moving maritime into the digital age

It was reported on 27th March that the Swedish Maritime Administration has initiated an extension of the ongoing MONALISA project, called MONALISA 2.0 through a renewed application to the European Commission’s TEN-T programme.

MONALISA 2.0 takes its point of departure in the results and experiences from
the current MONALISA project, co-financed by TEN-T under the Motorways of the Sea and which has received very positive feedback from stakeholders, international bodies and the European Commission.

ICAO Indonesia accord

It was announced from Montreal on 27th March by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) formalization of a new project with Indonesia, aimed at improving the management and reduction of its aviation carbon emissions.

The large-scale Environmental Measures Project will be undertaken between Indonesia’s Ministry of Transport and ICAO’s Technical Co-operation Bureau (ICAO-TCB). This reflects Indonesia’s determination to meaningfully address the environmental performance of its air transport sector over the near- and
longer-term, while additionally supporting recent Presidential Decrees on greenhouse gas emissions.

Obituary Captain David Smith OBE FNI RN

It is with regret that we report the passing of Captain David T Smith OBE FNI RN, Elder Brother of Trinity House, who died in Malta on 23rd March 2013, after a short illness at the age of 86. He was sworn as an Elder Brother in 1976 and retired from employment, in February 1992. However, he remained actively engaged with the Corporation’s work and aims as a member of the Court until his death.

HMS Trincomalee, berthed afloat at Jackson Dock, within Hartlepool’s
Maritime Experience.

IAIN General Assembly September 2012 minutes

The minutes of the IAIN General Assembly that took place at 1500 hrs. on September 30, 2012, in the Zurich Room of the Concorde El Salam Hotel, Cairo, Egypt, as part of the IAIN World Congress.

IAIN General Assembly September 2012 minutes

The minutes of the IAIN General Assembly that took place at 1500 hrs. on September 30, 2012, in the Zurich Room of the Concorde El Salam Hotel, Cairo, Egypt, as part of the IAIN World Congress.

Thirty ECDIS for Turkey

A strong run of orders for MARIS has culminated in a 30-system deal covering the delivery of its ECDIS900 system to Turkish customers, it was reported from Nøtterøy, Norway on 22nd March.

This deal highlights the longstanding relationship between MARIS and wellknown marine electronics distribution and service specialist STT International Ltd. It covers existing and future STT requirements to deliver MARIS ECDIS900 to Turkish owners and shipyards. STT reports that the first systems are committed to general cargo vessel newbuildings due for delivery to Yildirim Group from the Marmara Shipyard before the end of 2013.

Ralf Pluch, MARIS Director Sales Europe

BP Shipping Marine Distance Tables

A recent upgrade to AtoBviaC’s end user applications for the BP Shipping Marine Distance Tables now means that users can adjust routes and obtain distances to match their own operations. The changes make it possible for the user to produce deviation reports following changes in voyage destinations.

Tanker owners, operators, charterers and shipmasters are often faced with evaluating changes in trading patterns due to geo-political events and oil supply and demand imbalances. They are used to relying upon AtoBviaC’s BP Shipping Marine Distance Tables to provide accurate and viable distances, based on actual routes, to estimate true costs and to maximise potential profit.

JNC 2013 cancelled

Lisa Beaty, Executive Director of the (US) Institute of Navigation announces with sincere regret that the Institute of Navigation (ION) Military Division must cancel this year’s Joint Navigation Conference (JNC) in Orlando, Florida, originally scheduled for 10th to 13th June 2013.

Apparently this decision has not been taken lightly, but due to the Department of Defense recent policies detailing actions to be taken to prepare for drastic budget cuts, the curtailment of travel, fallout from a scandal with GSA conferences this past year, the current sequestration, and possible furloughs for federal employees, it is no longer possible for ION to ensure the JNC will be
able to maintain a high quality technical program and sufficient networking opportunities that makes the JNC so valuable to Department of Defense / Department of Homeland Security employees and their supporting organizations.

European Navigation Conference

Stephan Mayer, President of the Austrian Institute of Navigation, OVN, reports high interest of the navigation community in the ENC. More than 150 oral presentations and 50 poster presentations will be featured in 32 sessions.

PENS Intre-centre coordination in Europe

It was announced from Brussels on 5th March that the Pan European Network Service (PENS) is now the operational network for the exchange of coordination messages between the Air Traffic Control (ATC) Centres of NATS in Swanwick (UK) and the Maastricht Upper Area Centre (MUAC) in The Netherlands. PENS allows ATC Centres to exchange flight information data securely and efficiently by using IP (Internet Protocol) Version 6 (IPv6) as required by the Flight Message Transfer Protocol (FMTP) Implementing Rule.

Information exchanges between flight data processing systems are established between air traffic control units for the notification, co-ordination and transfer of flights as well as for civil-military co-ordination.

These information exchanges need appropriate and harmonised communication protocols to secure their interoperability – and PENS provides this service.

Satellite controlled trains

Taking a cue from how ESA controls satellites, Spanish railways now have their own high-tech upgrade to keep travellers abreast of when the next train is going to arrive.

Drawing on sophisticated software that keeps satellites on track, the system was developed by a group of Elecnor Deimos engineers who had worked extensively on ESA projects. The outcome of this technology transfer is that up-to-date train schedules are now displayed at over 400 Spanish stations.

New hope for European GNSS applications

The European Space Solutions Conference, recently held in London by the initiative of the European Commission, was witness to very important steps for
European GNSS downstream industry, it was claimed in a statement from Galileo Services at the end of January.

The EC Vice-President, Antonio Tajani, and the GSA Executive Director, Carlo des Dorides acknowledge the necessity of EU public funds to support EU GNSS application R&D and to ensure benefits from the growing GNSS application market for Europe.

NTSB identifies 787 battery fire origin

After an exhaustive examination of the JAL lithium-ion battery, which comprised eight individual cells, investigators determined that the majority of evidence from the flight data recorder and both thermal and mechanical damage pointed to an initiating event in a single cell. That cell showed multiple signs of short circuiting, leading to a thermal runaway condition, which then cascaded to other cells.

Defence against extreme solar weather events

The UK should plan now to mitigate the effects of a rare but potentially serious
solar superstorm, according to a report published on 7th February by the Royal
Academy of Engineering. Although the UK is better prepared than many
countries, there are areas where the nation needs to improve its resilience.

The Academy’s report, Extreme space weather: impacts on engineered systems
and infrastructure, was drawn up with the help of experts from many different
disciplines. It is the UK’s first in-depth assessment of the potential impacts of
solar superstorms.

The World VTS Guide

The major update of the World VTS Guide website is now complete and went live in time for the VTS Symposium. During the symposium, held in Istanbul last September, a paper was presented to the audience of 335 professional VTS attendees on the new website and an Exhibition Stand was also available to demonstrate the new system and answer any questions. It was very helpful to meet many of our users to explain our philosophy and show them how the new content management system works.

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