US PNT Advisory Board meeting recommendations

The 6 August meeting of the US Space-based Positioning, Navigation and Timing Advisory Board was unusual for several reasons. First, it was a departure from the board’s normal semi-annual spring and fall meeting schedule. At its meeting in May the board was unable to finalize several recommendations and did not want to delay delivery of its work to the administration until its scheduled meeting in December. Hence, this intersessional meeting.
Also, the meeting was the group’s first to be held virtually (on-line and telephonically). Board members from locations in the US, Switzerland, Australia, Egypt, Norway, and Mexico participated. Many did so at an unusual hour of their day but were glad they were able to participate without the need for air travel.
It was also unusual for the large number of recommendations that resulted. This abundance of advice was the product, in many cases, of several years’ work by the board. This meeting was an opportunity to finalize and formalize the group’s efforts.