US Coast Guard study – Evaluation of Pacific coastal waterway use

On 24 September from San Francisco, the USCG 11th District (Pacific Southwest) announced that it had requested public participation during the Pacific Coast Port Access Route Study (PAC-PARS).
Federal register notices for the PAC-PARS have been opened for comment. Comments and related materials must be received on or before 25 January 2022.
It is understood that the PAC-PARS will evaluate the use of coastal waterways by collecting vessel tracking data, environmental data, existing and planned offshore development/infrastructure, historical marine incident data, and public comment.
We learn that this is the first comprehensive evaluation of all vessel traffic patterns that use the Pacific Coast waterway along the coast of California, Oregon, and Washington. The main goal of the PAC-PARS is to evaluate historic and future waterway use to determine navigational risk.