UK Defence launches world class innovation panel

Breathing Rocket Engine) installed in a mock up of a space craft. – photo: ©MoD Crown Copyright 2016
In a major speech at the University of Oxford on 27 February, the (UK) Defence Secretary Sir Michael Fallon announced the formation of a world class Panel which will help challenge and drive the innovation agenda at the Ministry of Defence (MoD), it has been reported.
Addressing engineering students, academics, and apprentices, Sir Michael announced members of the new Panel. They will be charged with driving forward the MoD’s Innovation Initiative, which aims to encourage imagination, ingenuity and entrepreneurship, in pursuit of maintaining a military advantage in the future. Sir Michael said: ‘Backed by an £800M innovation fund, we want to transform defence and work with small firms, academics and others to find solutions to the threats to our security. This panel of world class innovators will bring their drive and expert insights to the vital task of keeping the UK ahead of our adversaries and boosting our prosperity.’