Two forthcoming IAAC workshops and a conference

IAIN Member IAAC – the Israeli Association for Automatic Control – has as its main goal and focus the promotion of Automatic Control theory, practice and education in Israel.
On 5 November 2018, the IAAC will host a Guest workshop on Model Predictive Control: Concepts, Algorithms, Tools, and Applications. Speaker: Professor Alberto Bemporad, Institute for Advanced Studies, Lucca, Italy. Organizer: Professor Per-Olof Gutman, Technion. Location: Daniel Hotel, Herzliya, Israel.
On 7 January 2019, the IAAC workshop Vision-Aided Navigation will be held. Organizers: Harel Kraus, Elbit Location: Daniel Hotel, Herzliya, Israel.
For more details
In addition readers are invited to note that the IAAC co-sponsored 27th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, MED 19, will be held in Akko, Israel, from 1-4 July, 2019.