Transas contract with Glasgow college

It was announced on 14th March that Transas Marine and City of Glasgow College had signed a contract to supply a simulation complex. The simulation centre in the Riverside campus which is under construction, will be one of the largest, the most up to date and most technically advanced simulation suite in the UK, it is claimed. Training courses are expected to start in Autumn 2015.

The signing of the contract between Transas Marine and City of Glasgow College

The ship simulator suite forms a core part of the new Riverside Campus and the complex nature of the equipment and fit out require a high degree of integration with the New Campus NPD Co., (the Scottish Government’s Non-Profit Distributing revenue funded procurement model) design. Transas provided technical integration input into the refinement of design for the New NPD Campus project.

The suite will include a full mission engine room simulator; simulator labs for studying of electronic navigation systems; GMDSS training; liquid cargo handling and DP operations’ training.

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