Tideland to supply racons
to the UK and Ireland GLAs
It was announced from Houston on 2 June that Tideland Signal Corporation (Tideland) has been awarded a contract to supply its SeaBeacon® 2 System 6 radar beacons (racons) to the General Lighthouse Authorities (GLAs) of the United Kingdom and Ireland on behalf of Trinity House, London1, in accordance with the current EU procurement legislation and the Public Contract Regulations 2015.
This contract was awarded under the terms of a joint-GLA framework agreement, which includes the Commissioners of Irish Lights (CIL) and the Northern Lighthouse Board (NLB) as well as Trinity House.
Following extensive testing of a number of different radar beacons, Tideland was awarded a contract to supply racons to the GLAs for four years with an option for an additional year. This is a continuation of the contract that Tideland has had with the GLAs for the supply of racons from 2011 to 2015, during which time over seventy units were supplied.