The Royal Air Force 1918-2018

Sunday 1 April marked 100 years to the day since the Royal Air Force was formed. The award-winning RAF Museum in NW London hosted over 15,000 visitors across the weekend 1-2 April with a series of activities and events to mark this historic event.
Visitors to the Museum were treated to theatre, family activities and a special appearance from the RAF Baton Relay team.
The Front of House Theatre Company (illustrated) breathed life into some of the amazing stories set among the Museum’s First World War exhibition. Visitors were able to talk to and interact with actors in character representing the voices of the men and women that are part of the RAF Story.
At the close of the day, serving RAF personnel carried the RAF100 Baton into the Museum grounds. The Baton is being carried across the country and around the world, visiting 100 locations in 100 days. The relay started on Sunday (1 April) in central London and the team of RAF runners were met at the Museum by the Museum’s CEO Maggie Appleton who ran the last leg of the relay with the team.