Terma annual report
Danish C-130J aircraft with flares – image courtesy and © Fototjenesten, Flyvestation Aalborg
It was reported from Lystrup, Denmark at the end of May 2015 that TERMA now has a heathy order backlog to provide for a comfortable business base in the 2015/16 fiscal year (FY 2015/16) and successive years.
Increased activities in the international defence, aerospace, and security markets secured an order intake in FY 2014/15 of MDKK 1,394, which is on par with
the previous year’s orderbook.
Oersted satellite with boom. This Danish satellite is a unique success. Its
precise magnetic measurements form the basis for the most accurate models of the Earth’s magnetic field and are used both to explore movements in the Earth’s core and to map anomalies in the Earth’s crust.