Report on activity on behalf of IAIN at IMO
This report gives an update on the progress of the two IAIN co-sponsored documents that were submitted for consideration by the International Maritime Organization at its Maritime Safety Committee meeting (MSC95), which was held in London from 3 to 12 June 2015. Other items considered of interest to IAIN discussed at this meeting are covered in the accompanying report.
A proposal on a way ahead to develop guidance on the so-called ‘S-mode’ for
the design of shipboard navigational equipment, as part of IMO’s work on the
implementation of e-navigation to enhance safety of navigation and protection of the marine environment (document MSC 95/19/12).
An information document on Marine Autonomous Systems (MAS), introducing an initiative to explore the application of the existing IMO regulatory framework to MAS to ensure their safe, secure, environmentally sound and sustainable operation (document MSC 95/INF.20).