OMC Int.-MetOcean Solutions alliance announces new products

OMC International and its new alliance partner MetOcean Solutions announced on 21 November the launch of three new products to help ports and harbours manage under-keel clearance (UKC), the mooring of berthed ships, and weather-related risks.

OMC International’s CEO Peter O’Brien said: ‘These are products that we have had on the drawing board for a number of years in response to customer requests, and our alliance with MetOcean Solutions has helped provide the momentum and support to bring them to market. We are offering these products alongside our flagship DUKC® to assist a wider range of ports and harbours, both in our home markets of Australia and New Zealand as well as internationally.’

The new products are: * KeelCheck, a simple calculator which helps ports which have not made the step to DUKC® assess the safe clearance of their traditional UKC rules; * PortWeather, an integrated environmental data management system which will attach to ports’ existing sensors and provide measurements and portspecific forecast data to displays in the port and internet-connected mobile devices; and * BerthAlert, a comprehensive forecasting and monitoring solution for berthed ships.

More detail and the opportunity for free trial accounts on OMC’s site.