mv Ruyter grounding

In summary, the MAIB report (No11/2018 published on 20 June 2018) indicates that at 2311 on 10 October 2017, The Netherlands registered general cargo vessel Ruyter (89.99m loa; 2528gt; built 2006) on passage from Skagen, Denmark to Warrenpoint, Northern Ireland, ran aground on the north shore of Rathlin Island. It was found that the master who was the watchkeeper had left the bridge unattended. The bridge navigational watch alarm system, which could have alerted the chief officer to the fact that the bridge was unmanned, had been switched off.
It was found that the master had been consuming alcohol prior to taking over the watch but the chief officer, who had previously warned the master against excessive consumption of alcohol, had been satisfied that the master was fit for watchkeeping duties.