Member institutes

Istituto Italiano di Navigazione (IIN)

The Italian Institute of Navigation, founded in 1959, is a non-governmental and no-profit organization with a legal personality recognition according to the Italian Presidential decree n.1703, October 12, 1964. As an association of experts and professionals, the Institute’s purpose is to promote the development and dissemination of knowledge in the field of land, maritime, air and space navigation. The areas of interest range from sciences, technical and operational practices. Moreover, there are issues of law and economic conditions, which govern the world of navigation, transport and generally, the mobility of people and vehicles. Attention is paid to security and safety issues as well as environmental and sustainable development.

Japan Institute of Navigation (JIN)

The Japan Institute of Navigation was established in 1948 with the purpose of contributing to the academic advance in navigation. The institute plays its part in contributing to the worldwide progress in the fields concerned as one of the Institutes of Navigation.

c/o Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology 2-1-6, Etchujima, Koto-ku, Tokyo 135-8533, Japan

+81 3 3630 3093

+81 3 3630 3093

Nederlands Instituut voor Navigatie (NIN)

The Nederlands Instituut voor Navigatie (NIN) is a non-profit organisation aiming to bring together, develop and disseminate the knowledge concerning positioning, navigation and the measurement of time (PNT).

Schweizerisches Institut für Navigation (ION-CH)

The Swiss Institute of Navigation is a non-profit organization created in 1999. It is dedicated to the advancement of the art and science of navigation serving a diverse community including those interested in air, space, marine, land navigation and position determination.
Our objectives and aims:

  • to promote and develop the art and science of navigation
  • to co-ordinate information from all the disciplines involved in the navigation domain
  • to initiate conferences and symposia which range from international events spanning many days to single lectures on topical subjects.

Royal Institute of Navigation (RIN)

The Royal Institute of Navigation’s mission is to connect people to advance the science, technology and practice of navigation and to promote knowledge in positioning, navigation, timing and resilience.

c/o RGS, 1 Kensington Gore, London SW7 2AT, United Kingdom

Mick Watts, Administrator

+44 (0)20 7591 3134

U.S. Institute of Navigation (USION)

The Institute of Navigation (ION) advances the art and science of positioning, navigation and timing (PNT).

8551 Rixlew Lane, Suite 360, Manassas, Virginia 20109-3701, USA

Lisa Beaty, Executive Director

+1 703 366 2723

Israeli Association for Automatic Control (IAAC)

The Israeli Association for Automatic Control is a non-profit organization dedicated to the promotion of research, practice, and education in all areas of automatic control. As one of its main activities, IAAC sets up workshops on various scientific, as well as practical issues in automatic control.

c/o Mira Aran, Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, Technion-IIT, Haifa, Israel 3200003

Mira Aran, secretariat

+972 4 829 3489

Nordisk Navigasjonsforum (NNF)

The Nordic Institute of Navigation is a non-profit, independent and non-political organization for professionals working in the field of navigation. The focus of NNF is on all aspects of positioning and navigation related to marine, air, land, and space-based applications. Special interests lie in e-Nav and indoor navigation. NNF is working to:

  • improve qualifications of professionals in navigation, among other things by aiming at better educational opportunities;
  • improve safety for personnel, the environment, and financial assets dependent on positioning and navigation;
  • improve efficiency and thereby to reduce costs of applications relying on positioning and navigation

To reach these goals, NNF arranges conferences, symposia, and courses to inform on subjects, ideas, and experiences related to the field of navigation and positioning. This also includes facilitating coordination and networking opportunities during NNF events.

Gamle Rustadvei 113, NO-1389 Heggedal, Norway

Lars Giske, Secretary General


Polskie Forum Nawigacyjne (PNF)

The Polskie Forum Nawigacyjne (Polish Navigational Forum, PNF) is a non-governmental non-profit organization whose members are professional navigators to promote human activity at sea, in the air, in space and on land, and all people who can benefit from the development of navigational sciences and related information technology.

inż. J. Śmidowicza 69, 81-103 Gdynia, Poland

Prof. Janusz Uriasz, President

+48 91 48 09 990

Österreichischer Verein für Navigation (ÖVN)

ÖVN/AIN is a non-profit making organisation with the main objective of fostering progress in science, research, technology and applications related to navigation, thereby improving safety, performance and economy of transportation on land and sea as well as in the air and in space. To achieve this goal, collaboration between specialists in government, academia, industry and users is being promoted.

ÖVN, Steyrergasse 30, 8010 Graz, Austria

Prof. Dr. Robert Weber

+43 1 58801 12865

China Institute of Navigation (CIN)

The China Institute of Navigation (CIN) is a national, academic, non-profit social organization, bringing together companies and people engaged in the maritime industry. CIN is an important social force in developing our national maritime science and technology, linking the Chinese Communist Party and government with the maritime science and technology workforce.

11, Jian Guo Men Nei Avenue, Beijing 100736, China

+86 (0)10 6529 9836

+86 (0)10 6529 9836

Český Institut Navigace (CZIN)

CzIN is non-governmental, non-profit organization, bringing together universities, professional institutions and individuals interested in radio-navigation, navigation and related fields of science and technology in the Czech Republic. It represents interests of its members by participation in international organizations and forums and provides education assistance in the field.

Dept. of Radio-engineering, FEE CTU, Technická 2, 166 27 Praha 6, Czech Pepublic

Mr Jiří Svatoň, President of CzIN

+420 22435 5866

Arab Institute of Navigation (AIN)

The Arab Institute of Navigation (AIN) is a non-governmental, non-profit professional society established in 1978 in Egypt gathering international members for navigation and its related science. AIN is an active member of the International Association of Institute of Navigation and a remarkable institute among operational international and local bodies in the field of maritime industry working closely with IMO, ICAO and IHO aiming to foster human activities at sea, in the air, in space and on land that may benefit from the development of the science and practice of navigation. AIN was unanimously recognized by the ICG Members as a new observer at the instigation of the Eighth Meeting of the international Committee on Global Navigation Satellite Systems (ICG), organized by the Emirates Institute for Advanced Sciences and Technology (EIAST), Dubai, United Arab Emirates, in November 2014.

Sebaei Building, Cross Road of Sebaei Street & 45 Street, Miami, Alexandria, Egypt

Dr. Capt. Hesham Helal, Vice President

+2 01001610185

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ortung und Navigation e.V. (DGON)

The German Institute of Navigation (DGON) is a non profit making organization founded in 1951. The institute’s main objectives are:

  • assistance of scientific activities related to navigation and position finding;
  • support of research & development activities;
  • provision of opportunities to present and introduce new applications in the field of navigation, localisation and positioning in order to advance and to offer practicable contributions for improving safety and economy of maritime, air, land, space and inland waterway traffic and related means of communication, including telematics, radar, transponder, gyro and robotic engineering.

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