12th Arctic Shipping Summit

A very insightful presentation by Captain David Snider, president of The Nautical Institute is anticipated concentrating on effectively increasing eEfficiency and profitability through Arctic corridors. This will consider the following: – infrastructure needs to support shipping growth; – development of NSR becoming passage for international shipping community; – projections for Arctic commercial maritime activity in 2018; – navigation and communication challenges in polar waters; – The Nautical Institute’s role in ensuring ice navigation competency.

Topics to include: – growing changes in Arctic, compliance and market updates; – expectations, growth and sustainability of the Canadian Arctic cruise industry; – effectively increasing efficiency and profitability through Arctic corridors; – developments In Arctic technology to enhance polar shipping; – measures in reducing risks and HFO in the Arctic; – developments and investments in the Arctic; – implications of the Polar Code as a component in risk assessment; – ship design options and solutions to aid in Arctic operations; – maintaining on-board crew competence; – emergency responses in icy wWaters.