ESA joins with business to invent the future of navigation

The Galileo constellation. The complete Galileo constellation will consist of 24 satellites along three orbital planes, plus two spare satellites per orbit. The result will be Europe’s largest-ever fleet, providing worldwide navigation coverage. – Pic Id 314354; Released 18/07/2014 9:00 am; Copyright ESA-P. Carril ESA ©

Quietly, PNT has evolved into an invisible but essential utility, serving many more sectors than simply transport. The system synchronisation delivered by satellite-based PNT underpins global communications, banking and power systems. As economic and social dependence on PNT continues to grow, the need is becoming clear to integrate satnav with other, complementary PNT methods – as a means of enhancing service resilience across a wide variety of sectors.

That is where ESA’s new Navigation Innovation and Support Programme (NAVISP) comes in. With more than 90 separate activities being undertaken to date, NAVISP is working with European businesses and researchers to develop innovative and competitive PNT technologies and services, as well as supporting ESA Member States in their national PNT objectives.