Conference Arrangements & Finances

  • The General Assembly during a triennial IAIN Conference decides on the host Institute of Navigation [ION] for the next Congress. A request for interest in hosting the conference will be sent by the Secretary General to the member IONs at least eighteen months prior to the General Assembly selection. Initial proposals will be reviewed by the Officers’ Committee meeting about one year prior to the General Assembly. The Officers’ Committee then evaluates the submissions and makes a next host ION recommendation at the next Officers’ Meeting prior to the General Assembly.
  • The host ION is responsible for the organisation of the Triennial World Congress but is to report on progress to the Officers’ Committee meetings and to the IAIN President as requested.
  • Member IONs will publicise / promote the event in their ION publications.
  • Member IONs will participate in the composition of the conference programme.
  • Member IONs will encourage speakers from their membership to submit papers to the Conference.
  • Member IONs will encourage their membership to participate in the Conference.
  • Member IONs will encourage their industry members to participate in the exhibition of the event.
  • The host ION bears the financial risk of the conference and therefore will seek to ensure a financially healthy outcome.
  • The host ION will yield 25% of the financial surplus to IAIN funds.