By-Laws as at October 2021

  • The Committee of Officers may draw up and publish Working Rules to implement the Constitution and By-Laws. These rules do not require the consent of the General Assembly.
  • The place and date of the General Assembly agreed by the Officers are communicated to the membership at least five months in advance. The Agenda is sent out at least three months before the Assembly. Any Resolution from an IAIN Member or Corporate Member received by the Secretary General at least four months before the day of the General Assembly will be placed on the Agenda. The above delays are reduced down, respectively, to three months and six weeks and to two months in case of the Officers’ Committee convening a Special General Assembly (a Special General Assembly should be convened by the Officers’ Committee).
  • No business other than that contained in the Agenda may be discussed at the General Assembly.
  • Subject to consultation of the membership, the Committee of Officers may fill any office that has become vacant for the time elapsing from the occurrence of the vacancy until the next General Assembly. International Committees or working groups set up under clause 1(b) of the Constitution shall operate in accordance with such general rules as the Officers’ Committee may draw up from time to time.
  • Any position adopted on a matter of IAIN policy or expression of a view, in public, on any technical matter to be considered as representing the views of the Association, shall be previously agreed upon by the Officers’ Committee, which will report as appropriate to the General Assembly. The Officers’ Committee is entitled to assign a person whose competence is widely recognised, and whose mission is to present the official views of the Association in various international organisations or fora. This person shall provide the Officers’ Committee with any information of interest for publication on the IAIN website.
  • If the Association is formally consulted under clause 1(e) of the Constitution, the Committee of Officers will make every effort to secure a unanimous view among the membership. If unanimity is unobtainable, the Committee may put forward the consensus view and any other views expressed.
  • Expenses associated with the work of the Officers’ Committee are at the charge of the Association, with the exception of Committee Membersâ?? travelling and accommodation expenses which are the responsibility of the organisations to which they belong.
  • Travel and accommodation expenses associated with the work of the Secretary General are at the charge of the Association.