ABPmer to support the development of Ireland’s marine plan

Recognised specialist in marine planning, ABPmer, has been appointed to support the development of a marine spatial plan (MSP) for Ireland. This marine plan will cover Ireland’s maritime area, including internal waters (sea area), territorial seas, exclusive economic zone (EEZ) and continental shelf. It is intended that a single plan will be prepared for the entire area with the possibility of more detailed regional plans being made at a later date.

It is understood that Ireland transposed the MSP Directive (EU Directive 2014/89/EU) through the European Union (Framework for Maritime Spatial Planning) Regulations in June 2016. These regulations established the legal basis and broad framework for Ireland to implement marine spatial planning through the development of an MSP (or plans) on a ten-year cycle. During 2017, a marine planning function was set up within the Irish Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government and in December 2017 it launched its roadmap for delivering a national marine spatial plan.

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